Journal of Housing Welfarre Vol 1, No. 1 (2024) 69
Reflections On "Demolition And Reconstruction On Site" In The Urban Renewal Context
Wen-Bin GUO
Received November 28, 2024. Accpted December 12, 2024. Published Online December 12, 2024.
Purpose: In response to the growing demand for the renovation of dilapidated houses within the context of urban renewal in China, this paper aims to propose recommendations for the new renovation strategy, "demolition and reconstruction on-site". Research design, data and methodology: The study adopts a qualitative research approach to investigate the significance and suggestions for promoting "demolition and reconstruction on-site." The research design employs a case study methodology, examining four practical instances of "demolition and reconstruction on-site" from various cities. Data is collected through a review of existing literature, government documents, and field observations. Through comparative analysis of these cases within diverse urban contexts, the paper offers a comprehensive understanding of the strategy's implementation and outcomes. Results: The findings indicate that this strategy has been successful in improving housing conditions and ensuring safety, while also effectively encouraging resident participation and enhancing social governance in communities. Conclusions: In conclusion, the strategy represents a valuable approach to renovating dilapidated houses, particularly against the backdrop of limited land resources and the low-carbon transformation of urban construction. This paper recommends that with enhanced policy support system, planning coordination, public participation, and construction requirements, the strategy can be further optimized to meet the diverse needs of the renovation of old residential communities nationwide.
Keywords : Urban Eenewal, Renovation of Old Residential Communities, “Demolition and Reconstruction On-site”, Sustainable Development
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