
Review of Institution and Economics
- 1976-3697
- doi prefix
- Issues per year
- 4
- Indexing
- KCI indexed
- Country, Region
- Andong, Korea
Aims & Scope
- Aims
Institutions matter since they represent the economic, social, political and cultural life. The importance of understanding the role of institutions in economic development is now widely appreciated. The Review of Institution and Economics is devoted to the study of the nature, role and evolution of institutions in the economy, including firms, states, markets, money, households and other vital institutions and organizations. We welcome contributions by all disciplines and schools of thought that can contribute to our understanding of the features, development and functions of real world economic institutions and organizations.
The Review of Institution and Economics is a multi-disciplinary journal that is of interest to all academics working in the social sciences. Contributions from general, developmental and institutional economics, politics, sociology, public choice, public administration, history, culture, psychology, law, philosophy and cognitive science are welcomed. The Review of Institution and Economics aims to provide all authors with an expert verdict on their articles within fifty days of submission.
Articles published in the Review of Institution and Economics are explicitly about institutions. The Review of Institution and Economics is devoted to the study of the nature, role and evolution of institutions in the economy, including firms, states, markets, money, households and other institutions and organizations. We welcome scholarly contributions by all schools of thought and relevant disciplines that can contribute to our understanding of the features, development and functions of real world economic institutions and organizations.
Accepted article types
• Research Article
• Brief Research Report
• Review Article • Comment
Editor-in-Chief: Sung-Kyu Lee
Sung-Kyu Lee is a Professor at the Department of International Trade at Andong National University in Korea. He obtained his PhD degree in Economics from the University of Southampton, U.K. He was a Fiscal Policy Analyst of National Assembly Budget Office (NABO) in Korea. He has been a chief editor of Review of Institution and Economics published by the Korea Institution and Economics Association. He has been a Director of ‘Korea Adam Smith Thought and Public Choice Studies, and Saemaul Undong Education Institute’ and a Director of ‘Mancur Olson Institute’. He is also an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Contemporary Management in Canada. His main research field is public finance, public choice, development economics, and institutional economics. He is the author of Theory of International Trade (in Korean), International Trade and Strategic Trade Policy (in English), Political Economy of Tax Policy and International Taxation (in English), and Essays on Probabilistic Voting, Policy and Campaigning (in English). Recently, he published “The impact of agricultural package programs on farm productivity in Tigray, Ethiopia: Panel data estimation” along with Araya Teka in Cogent Economics & Finance (2019), and “Resurrecting the Industrial Policy as Development Policy based on Korean Experiences: Towards a Pro-market Industrial Policy” with Jwa Sung-Hee in World Economics (2019).
Why Holistic Human Development is Crucial for Transformative Development of Nations: Insights from Korea
- Jong-Dae Park
- DOI :
Policy-augmented Human Capital: A Key Factor to the Rapid Economic Development in Korea
- Jung Mo Kang, Sung-Kyu Lee
- DOI :
Financial Development and Economic Growth in Nepal: Empirical Evidence from a Liberalized Developing Economy
- Pradeep Panthi
- DOI :
The Effect of War on the Welfare of Households and Coping Strategies for Food Shortage in Tigrai, Ethiopia
- Araya M. Teka
- DOI :
The Effects of ODA on FDI Inflows to Developing Countries
- Yong-Jae Choi, Seung-Nyeon Kim
- DOI :
대칭적 및 비대칭적 정보 게임 하에서 단일 집단과 단일 경쟁자 간의 경합
- 박성훈
- DOI :
Sustainable Peace in Northeast Asia by Yong-Shik Lee
- Yong-Shik Lee
- DOI :
Cover Image. Volume 18, No. 1
- DOI :
Comparative Review of Legal and Ethical Issues in AI-based Legal Services
- Kwon-Cheol Lee
- DOI :
Time-varying Analysis of Housing Prices in Korea and the U.S.: Focusing on the Interest Rate Impact
- Chul-Hong Min, Jeong-seok Song
- DOI :
KCI indexed
- Sung-Kyu Lee Editor-in-Chief
- Prof./Ph.D, Andong National University, Korea
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- Review of Institution and Economics
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